If you want to get in touch (to talk about the books or to offer corrections and/or ideas for the site), you can email me at dolittle@welbourn.net. The only kinds of emails I can't do much with are ones asking me for help with papers for school, and this is for two reasons:
The Puddleby site has existed in some form or another here at Tripod since late 1998, which is when I first thought to search the web for Lofting websites and-- to my great surprise-- found none. Although I know that the Dolittle books are thought of as children's books, I have aimed my text at adults who might, as I was, be looking for information on their old favorites (perhaps someday a companion site, aimed at specifically at children, might be possible). In the meantime, I hope that visitors of all ages enjoy reading these pages as much as I enjoyed putting them together. |